The ascmd command-line utility enables a database administrator to execute an XMLA script, Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query, or Data Mining Extensions (DMX) statement against an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. This command-line utility contains functionality for Analysis Services that resembles the sqlcmd utility included with SQL Server. For more information, see the topic sqlcmd Utility in SQL Server. The execution results of the script, query, or statement can be stored in a file together with relevant SQL Server Profiler trace information
XMLA Example:
<Batch xmlns="">
<Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<DatabaseID>Adventure Works DW</DatabaseID>
<CubeID>Adventure Works DW</CubeID>
<MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales 1</MeasureGroupID>
This example uses an XMLA Statement to fully process the Internet_Sales_2001 partition.
Processing Multiple Partitions
In this scenario, you process multiple partitions by using the ascmd command-line utility. You use scripting variables in the XMLA processing script (process.xmla) to specify the degree of parallelism, the database and cube names, and the process type. This XMLA script also demonstrates the use of comments in an XMLA script. When you call the process.xmla processing script from the ascmd command-line utility, you specify the server and database name, an output file for XMLA results, a trace file for trace events, the trace level, and the degree of parallelism in a batch bat (process.bat). The trace file will contain the same events and information as SQL Server Profiler would return if an administrator was monitoring the system during the processing.
process.xmla file:
<Batch xmlns="">
<Parallel maxparallel="$(MAXPARALLEL)">
<Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- Just so happens CubeID=DatabaseID=Database name :-) -->
<MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales 1</MeasureGroupID>
<Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales 1</MeasureGroupID>
<Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales 1</MeasureGroupID>
<Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<MeasureGroupID>Fact Internet Sales 1</MeasureGroupID>
process.bat file:
@echo off
call :generate-timestamp
ascmd -S myserver -d "Adventure Works DW" -i process.xmla
-o process.xml -T process-%timestamp%.csv -Tl medium
-v maxparallel=4 processtype=ProcessFull
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto errseen
goto :EOF
echo ** Error seen in processing
goto :EOF
set now_date=%date%
set now_time=%time%
set now_Year=%now_date:~10,4%
set now_Month=%now_date:~4,2%
set now_Day=%now_date:~7,2%
set now_Hour=%now_time:~0,2%
set now_Min=%now_time:~3,2%
if "%now_Hour:~0,1%"==" " set now_Hour=0%now_Hour:~1,1%
set timestamp=%now_year%%now_month%%now_day%_%now_hour%%now_min%
goto :EOF
Notice that the batch file uses a timestamp in the output file so that multiple runs can be recorded at the same time.